
Livre d'Or Témoignages laissés lors de séjours dans les Châteaux

Merci à tous nos visiteurs du monde entier qui ont pris la peine de nous écrire un petit mail, ou de nous laisser un message dans nos livres d'or présents dans les châteaux. Cette trace de leur passage restera dans nos mémoires et leur satisfaction réchauffe nos coeurs.

J'ai quelquefois dû "décrypter" des mots manuscrits dans nos livres d'or (sans doute avec quelques erreurs), et je n'ai pas été en capacité de recopier les messages manuscrits dans les langues autres que l'anglais et le français... Je prie les auteurs de bien vouloir m'en excuser.

Bonne lecture.

Villa Saunières

Cher Christophe,
Nous aimerions vous remercier pour cette bonne expérience de la Villa Saunières. C'était très bon et bien soigné. Le wine tasting aussi était super ! Merci à vous Christophe & Sylvia, tout était bien arrangé et on a profité du séjour. L'année passée on a visité le Château de Mercurey, cette année cette villa, peut-être l'année prochaine le Château de Lans ? :-)
C'était un plaisir de vous rencontrer personellement !
Bien à vous, Thanks a lot !

Benny & Annette Vervliet. Belgique.
Château de Mercurey

We had a wonderful week in your fantastic Château de Mercurey and enjoyed all the lovely things you created : all these charming rooms, the garden and swimming-pool. Thank you very much for splendid house in Burgundy. We really do hope to return in the future !

Family Mülheim, Rotterdam, Holland
Château de Mercurey

Thank you for an amazing week ! What a beautiful chateau and surroundings ! Vineyards as far as the eye can see!! Pool amazing and weather fab at the beginning and refreshing at the end !! Perfect !! Thank you enormously !

Hayley, Tom, baby Eva (also known as Tweeps !)
Château de Montsymond

We had a wonderdul stay, Merci! We will try your other Chateaux in the future.

Eric & Sam. UK
Château de Mercurey

Un grand merci pour cette merveilleuse semaine de détente au Château de Mercurey dans un si joli cadre ! Espèrons que le millesime 2010 de Mercurey aura la même saveur et la même richesse que cette semaine de vacances !

Marie, Florent, Sandy, Xavier, Alex, Dorothée, Thibaud, Stéphanie (France).
Château de Mercurey

Christophe & Sylvia, thank you for a wonderful week in your beautiful Chateau of Mercurey. We all enjoyed the house, the pool, the local wines and restaurants (thanks for the recommendation). We would all love to come back !

Janet, Katy, Chloe, Mickael, Chris, Wendy, Emma, Duncan. (UK)
Villa Saunières

Thank you for a fantastic stay in Villa Saunières! We all had a brilliant holiday and loved the pool & canoeing in the river. We look forward to seeing you again in the near future. Best wishes.

Eric, Catherine, Melissa, Neil, Helen, Brice, Max, Thomas, Ella, Mia & Fleur. London.
Villa Saunières

It is very remiss of me not to have emailed you earlier to thank you so very much indeed for hosting our visit to Chateau Simard and the wine tasting on Monday.  The five of us who attended were totally absorbed by it all and can't thank you enough for what was a highlight of our time in Burgundy.  We loved every moment of our visit and have been talking about it ever since.  Even more than that our plans for this week have largely been influenced by our experiences with you with visits to both Chateau-Chalon and the vineyards to the north of Beaune. It has been enormous fun as indeed has been our entire time at Sauniere.
We will depart tomorrow with nothing but happy memories and admiration for the way you have set everything up for your guests.  We have loved being here and are supremely grateful for everything.
On behalf of us all, many, many thanks.
With our very best wishes.

John Lang, Hants, England.
Château de Mercurey

Christophe & Sylvia,C’était inoubliable ! That’s about the only thing I can say to describe our stay at your beautiful Chateau de Mercurey in Burgundy. It was truly the most amazing experience in every way. The house is perfect and the surroundings are magnificient. I hope we can return again one day to this paradise in the country ! Warmest regards.

Kathleen & Bill McVicar, Sudbury, USA.
Villa Saunières

Just in case no member of our party mentions it...the wine tasting at Sylvia and Christophe's home is superb! Christophe shared his passion for wine and his collection of fine wines with the skill of an expert and communicator. A wonderful experience - not to be missed.

Patrick & Amanda Sanders, Chettenham, UK.